Smart SRH
Kadi Hai - Smart SRH (Sexual and Reproductive Health) is a project I did from Kadi Hai Ltd startup who specialize in providing Digital health services to hospitals and health clinics.
Smart SRH aims to provide health care workers dealing maternal care digital tools for monitor progress and generating reports through the mobile and desktop apps.
I was tasked with creating the Android app, Desktop app and backend API for managing the data.
I am allowed to share some of the technical details behind it!
Android App
Tech Stack & Libraries
Networking - Ktor Client Framework
UI - Jetpack Compose
UI Navigation - Androidx Navigation
UI Design System - Material 2
Architecture - MVVM
Serialization - Kotlinx Serialization
Testing - JUnit4, Compose Test APIs
Local Storage & Preferences - SqlDelight & Jetpack Datastore
Dependency Injection Framework - Koin
Some Screenshots
Desktop App
Tech Stack & Libraries
Networking - Ktor Client Framework
UI - Compose Desktop
UI Navigation - Decompose
UI Design System - Material 2
Architecture - MVVM
Serialization - Kotlinx Serialization
Testing - Kotlin Test, Compose Test APIs
Local Storage & Preferences - SqlDelight & Multiplatform Settings
Dependency Injection Framework - Koin
Some Screenshots
Backend API
Tech Stack & Libraries
Server Framework - Ktor Server Framework
Server Engine - Netty
Authentication Standard - JWT
Database - MongoDB (NoSQL)
Database ORM - KMongo
Serialization - Kotlinx Serialization
Testing - Kotlin Test + JUnit
Packaging - Docker
Dependency Injection Framework - Koin
You can reach out for more details regarding this project through the contacts in About page!